Tuesday, June 1, 2010

New Website And New Name

So, I decided to change up the website a little bit. First of all, the name of my blog had to go. Creative Clockwork? I think it sounds way to pretentious, and I'm not the type. I like movies, and music, but I'm not at all pretentious like some others can be. I'm just a geek trying to write and make movies. Off topic much? haha The name of the site is now Cinemarquee, a word play on Cinema and Marquee, cause you know, Marquee's are usually at theaters. I might change the same sometime, but I think this is cool for now.

Well, some of the change's I've done with the site is I will be posting every two weeks a new playlist of my top 11 songs I'm listening to at that time. I've put up 420chans Stickam chat, so feel free to jump on that and talk about movies, and weed. Yes, if you do not like pot, you probably should not participate in the chatting, most people smoke weed on there.

The idea of this website is still the same, I'll be posting articles I write for the Coastal Breeze, on Marco Island, and I'll post my reviews of films, and cds that I've had the time to watch and listen. Also, other various articles that can make for some good discussions.

I'll be updating the website soon with some of my work, and in a couple of weeks, some video's I am doing on the music of Frank Zappa, and some movie reviews. I hope you all enjoy the site! Remember, this website is a place where we can all talk about movies, and music. My posts are only the beginning of the discussion. So join in guys, lets me this site great!!

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