Friday, June 4, 2010

Wholetones EP "Clutch Life"

Here's my review of the Wholetones new EP "Clutch Life." It was a really great album, I can't wait to hear more from these guys.

"We’re building, building, building, building it all. Yet, college took a backseat in the car, headed for a wall." This quote from the song Clutch Life, on The Wholetones new EP “Clutch Life”, is a great example of the sacrifices that most bands and artists make to create music, and go after their dreams. The Wholetones, as stated in their song Clutch Life, had to make some sacrifices in order to do what they love most, make music, and music is what they do best. The Wholetones are Taylor Freydberg, Alex Dorris, and Russ Depa.

When I received this album two weeks ago, from the band, I instantly fell in love with it. There was not one song that I did not like on their debut EP, the album flows together from song to song, giving its listener a good trip through the acoustics of good ol’ folk and American music.

The Album starts off with the title track Clutch Life, and accurately prepares the listener for the rest of the record. The song begins with calm guitars, and an epic guitar intro to which is still resonating in my ear drum. Taylor’s soft spoken southern growl voice creates a beautiful landscape of tones and paired with the harmonies of the chorus, it really makes the song sink in. “It’s a long way down,” one of the phrases from this song that really encapsulates the beauty and darkness this song bestows onto its listener.

The next song, Trampling Snow flows so well from the previous song; I did not even know the song had changed. The song begins with a really groovy acoustic guitar intro, segueing into the lyrics “Trampling snow, were the ginseng had grown, nose red like her eye, in that blurry photo.” The wailing vocals of Taylor and Alex really push the listener into their deep forest, folksy world where anything can happen, even the greatest, and craziest, bombastic acoustic guitar use I have heard in a while.

Wow. That’s really the only way I can describe Courtney’s Song, the next track on their EP, “Clutch Life.” It’s an ode to guitarist Alex Dorris’ longtime girlfriend Courtney, which features Alex’s amazing guitar talent. He is one of the best guitarists to come out of South Florida, shredding like no other during this insane instrumental track. This track also reminds me of some of the best Math Rock around, expanding the use of the guitar, which come's together as a unity of sounds and harmonies.

After one of the best instrumental tracks I’ve heard in quite a while, comes the song Wailin’ a Motive. The song starts off with a very infectious harmonica intro, which leads perfectly into the song’s chorus, sung charismatically by Alex and Taylor. That infectious harmonica playing by Taylor shows up periodically throughout the song, which really brings the listener back to roots music.

Warming Trends is another great song to add to the oeuvre of this eclectic band. The warm harmonies and concise lyrics sung perfectly by Taylor, and his mother Beth Crosley, are so powerful on this track that I sincerely chocked up, while letting it all sink in. The beautiful lyrics, “Don’t sink Florida, Don’t sink, the ice has misplaced all of our souls, so we won’t have to think,” are a perfect end to this warm, and powerful song.

The last track of the album, Cement Shoes, is probably the best song on the album, but also one of the low points of the album as well. The song is a still picture of their perfected musicianship. The cello work and vocals done by Alex Dorris is so perfect, I wanted more. My only problem with the song is that it’s way too short! Come on guys, give me some more of that amazing Americana and Folk!

After listening to “Clutch Life” nearly 15 times, I’ve come to the conclusion that this band isn’t concerned with the larger than life songs, or even the epic jamming that they show in their live performances. I believe that in this more intimate setting, on their first EP, The Wholetones perfectly payed homage to the good ol’ days when Folk and acoustic music was prominent in this here parts of the southern Americas’. The Wholetones successfully created an album where they ditched the whole larger than life song craft, for a more stripped down, bare bones album, full of infectious tunes, and amazing musicianship, that I can’t wait to see what is in store for the future of this eclectic band. I am positive that their next album will be just as good, or even top their debut effort.

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