Monday, March 22, 2010

First Post

Today I decided to start my own blog. I have a question for the masses. Why is it so hard to come up with a blog name? I had a lot of trouble coming up with a proper name to call my blog. So, I figured I would just put both of my favorite things into the title of my blog. Also to try and explain what my blog is all about. So, I choose A clockwork Orange, and Creativity. A Clockwork Orange is by far my most favorite film ever made. It was made by Stanley Kubrick, and for those of you who don't know who he is, he was the creative force and filmmaker behind such great films as The Shinning, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and Full Metal Jacket. Back to my point. I choose A Clockwork Orange because it's perfect in every sense of the word, and it relates to the weekly, and daily posts I will have. A Clockwork Orange is a complex and intriguing story, and it also adds a bit of social commentary that I believe back in the 70's needed to be said. I won't go into detail about the film, but my fellow readers should watch this amazing movie. I used create, because, well, I like to create! I'm a writer of sorts, so I just like writing about a bunch of random things, and stuff I deem important.

This blog for the most part will be reviews of films that I've seen, and of records that I've listened too. I'll also be submitting on my blog the articles that I write for the local news paper Coastal Breeze, here on Marco Island. And the articles that don't get chosen, or even the stuff that I decide not to submit. I'll probably throw in some short films that I've done too. Probably some random stuff as well.

A little bit about my self. I'm 19 years old, I currently attend Florida Gulf Coast University, and I like making movies, watching movies, listening to GOOD music, and learning anything and everything. I have a big beard, a big belly, and then some. Motherfuckers don't hate, motherfuckers love. That's what I always say. Well, I'll stop talking now, but expect some material of mine coming out soon. Seeya later interwebs! Good luck lurking.

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